
February 2025
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Does Your Job Search Include the Hidden Market?

The majority of jobs are not advertised.  That is why your job search should include the hidden market.  The hidden job market consists of 65% to 80% of jobs.  To increase your chances of finding employment, you should include job search strategies that will reach the hidden job market.  Here are ways to

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How to Negotiate a Work-from-Home Arrangement

You think that working from home will only improve your work-life balance and benefit your family but your employer will benefit as well.  Focus on the benefits for your employer when negotiating a work-from-home arrangement.

More and more companies are realizing the benefits of implementing a telecommute or flexible work schedule program. 

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How to Negotiate Your Salary

You are the number one candidate and have been offered a job.  This means that the employer has identified you as the best person for the position and the company.  This puts you in a position to negotiate a strong compensation package.  This is a very important part of the hiring process so

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How to Design Your Verbal Resume

In our article “How to Brand Yourself”, we talked about your value proposition.  Why should a company choose you?  What makes you unique?  Now that you have all of that summed up in your hardcopy resume, how do you express your value verbally?  Your resume got you in the door now it’s time

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Why Didn't I Get the Job?

You felt your interview went well last week.  You were prepared, asked the right questions, you fit their company culture, you had all of the qualifications for the job, and you know you looked great in your new suit.  However, you received a letter from the employer saying they offered the job to

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